Rosicrucian Lessons Pdf
- Rosicrucian fundamentals: an exposition of the Rosicrucian synthesis of religion, science and philosophy, in fourteen complete instructions by Plummer, George Winslow, 1876-1944; Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) DLC.
- ROSICRUCIAN ORDER: QUESTIONS ANSWERS will be able to familiarize yourself with Rosicrucianism and discover to what extent the Rosicrucian Tradition espouses an exceptional philosophy and learning. This book may have been offered or lent to you by a member of AMORC who feels that you are worthy of discovering or acquiring.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
QABBALISTIC AND ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLICAL PHILOSOPHY Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings concealed within the Rituals, Allegories, and Mysteries of all Ages By Manly P. Hall SAN FRANCISCO PRINTED FOR MANLY P. CROCKER COMPANY, INCORPORATED MCMXXVIII 1928, no renewal Scanned at, November, 2001.
The Rosicrucian Monographs or HomeStudy Lessons (as they are sometimes called by AMORC) werefirst written in the beginning of the 20th century (before 1930s)by Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder ofAMORC, andsubsequently updated by his successors to stay current withadvancements in science, language, and culture.
The monographs are printed as small booklets but they are notavailable to the general public. Only members of certainRosicrucian orders may have access to these documents. Theircontent is considered confidential.
Although at first the monographs were exclusive to AMORC, todaythey are also available by other Rosicrucian orders which began as'forks' from AMORC.
For example, the Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) saysthat it offers the old Lewis' monographs, without the newermodifications and updates by AMORC. The CR+C monographs includefootnotes written by Gary L. Stewart.
The monographs of AMORC have been updated with new discoveries,clarified to be better understood by today's people andmodernised.
A description of the Rosicrucian Monographs available by AMORCis included in the AMORC's Mastery of Lifedocument.
AMORC's RosicrucianMonographs
Below is a brief description of what a neophyte will learn duringhis or her first five years of affiliation with AMORC.
These teachings are part of the RosicrucianMonographs.
These are not the only subjects covered by the Rosicruciansystem. The list contained here, which should be perceived asunofficial, is adapted from the Rosicrucian Home StudyLessons section of the Web version of the Mastery of Life published by the EnglishGrand Lodge for the Americas.
You are advised to read the official and complete list atAMORC's website: Direct link to RosicrucianHome Study Lessons section of the Mastery of Life
The teachings are divided in the Neophytesection and the Temple section.
Like in ancient times, if a person wanted to study the greatmysteries of the world, they would have to petition for admittanceas a student and become a Neophyte. The Neophyte would be grantedadmittance to the Atrium, or reception chamber to the temple. Inthe Atrium the Neophyte would receive the preliminary instructionsand beginning teachings, before they would be allowed entry intothe temple. Following ancient times the Rosicrucian monographs arecalled Atrium lessons, and beginning Rosicrucian students arecalled Neophytes.
Introductory lessons
Presents basic Rosicrucian concepts that can be applied inpractical ways. One of the first things you will learn as aNeophyte is that you are a dual being. In addition to your fivephysical senses, you also have a psychic sense. The exercises inthese introductory lessons are designed to gradually awaken anddevelop the psychic faculty. The exercises allow you to discoverfor yourself through direct experience how these principles work.Topics include:
- Mystical Sounds
- Spiritual Alchemy
- Time and Space
- Human and CosmicConsciousness
- Development of the Intuition
- Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy, MetaphysicalHealing
The first Atrium explores consciousness as the organizingprinciple of matter and explains the composition and structure ofmatter and its vibratory nature. You'll learn how the creativepower of thought affects the material world. This power isdemonstrated through exercises in the techniques of concentration,visualization, and mental creation. Topics include:
Rosicrucian Teachings Pdf
- Composition and Structure of Matter
- Power of Thought and Concentration
- Mental Projection
- Law of the Triangle
Your understanding of the connection between mind and matterwill now be expanded to include the connection between the mind andthe physical body. The second Atrium explores how your thoughtsinfluence your health, the role of proper breathing in psychicdevelopment as well as health and vitality, and Rosicrucian healingtechniques. As you develop your body's psychic centres, yougradually awaken your psychic faculties, such as the ability toperceive the aura. You will also experience the mystical effect ofsounds. Topics include:
- Origin of Diseases
- Influence of Thoughts on Health
- Mystical Art of Breathing
- Rosicrucian Healing Treatments
- Perception of the Aura
- Awakening the Psychic Consciousness
- Mystical Sounds
The Third Atrium moves beyond the physical body and the psychicfaculties into the realm of the mystical. As you become moreattuned with your inner source of wisdom, you'll become morereceptive to the subtle inner prompting of intuition, inspirationand illumination. These lessons also explode the nature of Soul andspiritual evolution, reincarnation and karma, and the cycles of thesoul. Topics include:
- Intuition Inspiration andIllumination
- The Great Religious Movements
- The Nature of Soul
- Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
Having completed the lessons of the Neophyte section, you standat an important milestone in your progress along the mystical path.You are now ready to enter the Temple. Your studies in the Neophytesection established the foundation for the lessons of the TempleDegrees. You have been introduced to the various elements of theRosicrucian system and had the opportunity to practice many of theprinciples presented through simple experiments. Now the TempleDegrees will further develop these elements, providing additionaldepth and practical applications of the principles.
First Temple Degree(Zelator)
The First Temple Degree introduces the concept of polarity andits relationship to the subatomic world and its differing rates ofvibration. It introduces the full spectrum of physical andnon-physical manifestation. An understanding of these subjectsgives you an appreciation for the system and order of the universe,the interconnectedness of all nature and how everything is governedby natural law. Topics include:
- Structure of Matter
- Positive and Negative as Vibratory Polarities
- Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism and theirRosicrucian definition
- Material Alchemy
Second Temple Degree(Theoricus)
The Second Temple Degree explores the workings of the mind.You'll learn how to use your various mental faculties to strengthenyour will, eliminate bad habits and establish good ones, tap intothe levels of your subconscious, reason more effectively, andintegrate principles of psychology and mysticism to achieve yourpersonal goals. Topics include:
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Our Objective and Subjective Consciousness
- Mental and Sensory Illusions
- Imagination andMemory
- Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Influences on theSubconscious
- Psychology and Mysticism
Third Temple Degree(Practicus)
The Third Temple Degree explores the meaning of life on manylevels, including living and 'non-living' matter, life on thecellular level, the mysteries of death and rebirth, and the eternalnature of the Soul. Topics Include:
- Cosmic Purpose of Life
- Vital Life Force
- Cellular Life
- Living and Non-Living Matter
- Incarnation ofthe Soul
- Transition of the Soul
- Initiatic Aspects of Death
Fourth Temple Degree(Philosophus)
The Fourth Temple Degree introduces Rosicrucian ontology (thestudy of the nature of being), and lays out the cosmologicalframework for all creation. It explores the meaning, understandingand use of symbols as the language of the subconscious. Topicsinclude:
- Noumena and Phenomena
- Natural Symbols
- Artificial Symbols
- Mystical Symbols
- Vital Life Fource and the Living Soul
- Cycles of Life and the Constant States of Flux
Fifth Temple Degree(Adeptus Minor)
A mystic, by nature, is fundamentally a philosopher. In theFifth Temple Degree, you will study excerpts from the works ofclassical philosophers. Your exploration of the ancient roots ofRosicrucian philosophy will demonstrate the timelessness of theseprinciples. Thoughts of the following philosophers arepresented:
Sixth Temple Degree(Adeptus Major)
The Sixth Temple Degree presents the physical, mental, emotionaland spiritual components of health and disease. You'll learnspecific Rosicrucian healing techniques. Topics include:
- Spiritual Demension of Food
- Breathing and Respitory Health
- Composition of Blood
- CellConsciousness and Cellular Health
- Rosicrucian Therapy and Self Healing
- Personal Treatment to Restore your Psychic Equilibrium
- Physical and Mental Prevention of Disease
- Emotional and Spiritual Prevention of Disease
Seventh TempleDegree (Adeptus Exemptus)
The exercises and experiments of all the previous Degrees havecontributed to your gradual development, providing you with thenecessary foundation for the advanced techniques of the Seventh,Eighth, and Ninth Degrees. In the Seventh Degree you will learn howto accomplish psychic projection, how to develop your personal auraand perceive other people's auras and how to further develop yourpsychic centres and perception. You will also receive a thoroughexplanation of the physiological, psychic, and spiritual influenceof specific mystical sounds. Topics include:
- The Psychic Body (compare with: Subtle body and Astral body)
- The Psychic Centres (compare with: Chakra)
- Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
- Psychic Projection (experiments) (compare with: Astralprojection, out-of-body experience)
- Perception of the Aura(experiments) (compare with: Clairvoyance)
- Mystical Powers of Vowel Sounds and Mantras
Eighth TempleDegree (Magister Templi)
The Eighth Temple Degree explores in depth the theme ofimmortality - the mysteries of birth and death, reincarnation andkarma and the evolution of the soul personality. Topicsinclude:
- Universal Soul and Human Soul
- Devine Consciousness and Self Consciousness
- Spiritual Evolution of Humans
- Mastery of Karma
- Reincarnation of the Soul
- How to Remember your Past Incarnations (experiments) (See Reincarnation)
- The Mystery of Birth and Death
- Help to the Dying, Before and After Death
Ninth Temple Degree(Magus)
By now these techniques will have become second nature andyou'll be well prepared to successfully undertake the advancedexperiments of the Ninth Degree. This Degree gives you theopportunity to utilize the highest metaphysical powers in practicalways to positively effect conditions in your environment and yourlife in accordance with the greatest good. Topics include:
- Macrocosm and Microcosm
- The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air, Fire
- Symbolism of the Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, Rose-Cross
- Mental Alchemy
- Experiments on Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy, Radiesthesia, Invisibility,Attunement with the CosmicConsciousness
While the essential Rosicrucian teachings are covered in thefirst five years, the exploration of universal laws is truly alifelong study. As long as we live, we never stop learning.Therefore, the Rosicrucian lessons continue for many years beyondthe Ninth Degree, providing you with even greater insights andexploration of the Rosicrucian principles and techniques.
See also
The Rosicrucian Fellowship (TRF) ('An International Association of Christian Mystics') was founded in 1909 by Max Heindel with the aim of heralding the Aquarian Age and promulgating 'the true Philosophy' of the Rosicrucians.[1] It claims to present Esoteric Christianmysteries or esoteric knowledge, alluded to in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10, to establish a meeting ground for art, religion, and science and to prepare the individual through harmonious development of the mind and the heart for selfless service of humanity.[2]
The Rosicrucian Fellowship conducts Spiritual Healing Services and offers correspondence courses in esoteric Christianity, philosophy, 'spiritual astrology' and Bible interpretation.[3] Its headquarters are located on Mount Ecclesia in Oceanside, California, and its students are found throughout the world organized in centers and study groups.[4] Its declared mission is to promulgate a scientific method of development suited particularly to the Western people whereby the 'Soul body' may be wrought, so that humanity may hasten the Second Coming.[5][6]
- 2Teachings
- 4References
- 4.2Literature
- 4.2.1Students' writings
- 4.2Literature
Origins and foundation[edit]
In 1908 Max Heindel started, in New York City, the work of rewriting a previous draft in German of teachings ostensibly written under the instruction of Elder Brothers in their temple near the border of Bohemia and Germany.[7] Heindel moved to Buffalo, New York, where he finished the typescript about September 1908. The work, called The Rosicrucian Cosmo-ConceptionThumbsplus pro 7 serial. , was revised and printed in November 1909.
The first edition of 2500 copies, printed in Chicago, was exhausted in six months but it was learned that 2000 of these had been given by the publisher as payment of the debts of the publishing house to other publishers. Immediately, a large second edition was ordered: a first payment was made to the printer with the help of Augusta Foss,[8] who would become Max Heindel's wife. This time two booksellers bought one-third of the imprint before it was off the press.[9]
The Rosicrucian Fellowship's formal constitution occurred on August 8, 1909, in Seattle, Washington, at 3:00 p.m. The first Rosicrucian study center had been already previously formed in Columbus, Ohio, on November 14, 1908, where Heindel lectured and taught for a number of months. After each lecture he distributed free mimeographed copies to the audience; those twenty lectures were printed in 1909, along with the first edition of Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, under the title The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures. The Columbus Center was followed by centers in North Yakima, Washington (November 1909), Portland, Oregon, and Los Angeles, California (February 27, 1910), the city where Heindel reencountered his theosophist friend Augusta Foss. In Los Angeles, Max Heindel gave conferences three times a week to audiences of nearly one thousand people from November 29, 1909, till March 17, 1910.
On October 28, 1911, the organisation's international headquarters, still used today, were opened at Mount Ecclesia in Oceanside, California. The ceremony of ground-breaking consisted in planting a large Cross with the initials C.R.C. (for Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary head of the original order) painted in gilt letters on the three upper ends and with a climbing rose. The Rosicrucian Fellowship Temple, called The Ecclesia, was erected for the purpose of affording more powerful means for the healing of disease, and dedicated on December 25, 1920. Spiritual Healing meetings are held there each day.
According to Max Heindel, the invisible Order of the Rose Cross exists in the inner worlds, was founded in 1313 and is composed of twelve great adepts presented as belonging to human evolution but already advanced far beyond the cycle of rebirth.[10] Their mission is explained as aiming to prepare the whole wide world for a new phase in religion that includes awareness of the inner worlds and the subtle bodies and safe guidance in the gradual awakening of man's latent spiritual faculties: 'to prepare a new phase of the Christian religion to be used during the coming age now at hand.'[11]
Admission into the Rosicrucian Fellowship is free of fees and is funded by donation. The Fellowship recognizes seven grades, but its study is primarily based upon a system of three grades: regular student, probationer and disciple.[12] After a two-year term of being a Regular Student of the Fellowship, a person who abstains from all flesh food, tobacco, mind-altering drugs, and alcohol may apply for probationership. When the Probationer has complied with the necessary requirements and completed the term of probation he may send request for individual instruction. Access to the Disciple grade is granted upon merit;[13] once admitted into discipleship subsequent Spiritual unfoldment of the advanced soul within the Order of the Rose Cross is conducted through the process of the nine Lesser Initiations.[14]
The school's teachings hold that man is a Spirit with all the powers of God, powers that are being slowly unfolded in a series of existences (rebirths) in a gradually-improving body, a process under the guidance of exalted Beings ordering our steps in a decreasing measure as man gradually acquires intellect and will. For this purpose we live many lives[15] of increasingly fine texture and moral character. Through the 'Law of Cause and Consequence' we constantly set new causes into operation which will create new destiny to balance and improve the old destiny brought from the past. All causes set into action in one life cannot be ripened in one existence but 'Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap'.
The constitution of man[edit]
The human being is seen as a threefold Spirit, possessing a mind, by means of which he governs the threefold Body. This threefold body he transmutes into a threefold Soul upon which he nourishes himself 'from impotence into omnipotence'.
The Ego (not as defined by Freud) is the threefold Spirit, the God Within, which uses these vehicles to gather experience in the school of life. The three aspects of the Spirit are (from highest to lowest aspect):
- the Divine Spirit aspect;
- the Life Spirit aspect;
- the Human Spirit aspect.
The Mental body functions like a mirror, reflecting the outer world and enabling the ego to transmit its commands as thought and word, and also to compel action.
The threefold body consists of;
- a Dense body, which is the visible instrument he uses here in this world to fetch and carry (the body we ordinarily think of as the whole man).
- a Vital body, which is made of ether and pervades the visible body as ether permeates all other forms, except that human beings specialize a greater amount of the universal ether than other forms. The ethereal body is our instrument for specializing the vital energy of the sun and is seen by clairvoyant vision to extend about an inch and a half outside our visible body.
- a Desire body, which is our emotional nature and this finer vehicle pervades both the vital and dense bodies (it is seen by clairvoyant vision to extend about 16 inches outside our visible body, which is located in the center of this ovoid cloud as the yolk is in the center of an egg).
The threefold soul consists of;
- Conscious Soul: extracted as pabulum from the dense body (which was emanated from the Divine Spirit aspect).
- Intellectual Soul: extracted as pabulum from the vital body (which was emanated from the Life Spirit aspect).
- Emotional Soul: extracted as pabulum from the desire body (which was emanated from the Human Spirit aspect).
Bible teachings enable us to become aware that Christ must be born within. There is a distinction between the Christ which is born within us, our true Saviour, and the Cosmic Christ, the Christ without. The latter helps us in the task of having Christ born within; however, it is our task to form the Christ within, the 'Soul Body' which is the vehicle humanity will need to live in the Sixth Epoch, the New Galilee.[16]
The 'Astral body' is a vehicle evolved from a work of transmutation upon the etheric body (the two superior ethers), not to be confounded with the 'desire body' since during astral projection the desire body molds itself readily into this prepared matrix and, when the individual returns to the physical body, the effort of will whereby he enters automatically dissolves the intimate connection between the desire body and the Astral or Soul body. The term 'Astral body' was, it is said, employed by the mediaeval Alchemists because of the ability it conferred upon the one who has it to traverse the 'starry' regions. The 'Astral body' is regarded as the 'Philosopher's Stone' or 'Living Stone' of the alchemist, the Golden 'Wedding Garment' that Christ speaks of in the Gospel of Matthew,[17] the 'Soul Body' [soma psuchicon] that Paul mentions in the First Epistle to the Corinthians or the 'Diamond Soul' spoken of in some of the ancient philosophies. It will eventually be evolved by humanity as a whole.
The physical body is a vehicle which the Spirit uses to gain experience, while death is a passing of the Spirit into a larger sphere, a birth which should be prepared for with the greatest care. The Ego must assimilate what it has experienced. The Spirit withdraws with the two higher vehicles, which are tied to the etheric and physical bodies by a slender cord. At death the desire and mental bodies leave the physical, taking with them but one permanent ethericatom, which during life is stationed in the solar plexus. The seed atom, of the dense body, like the negative film of the camera, has been impressed with all the experiences of the life just ended. At death the force of this atom leave the body and all these impressions are transferred from the vital body, the storehouse of these experiences, into the desire body, which then forms the basis of the man or woman's life in purgatory and the first heaven. This transfer is done by the Spirit during the first three and one-half days (84 hours) after the rupture of the connection between the seed atom and the heart, ordinarily known as death: death is not complete until this transfer has been accomplished. During this time sensation is still present, and the Spirit suffers through inharmonious surroundings, including postmortem examination and embalming.
Death should be prepared for with the greatest care, requiring a 'post mortem interval', or preservation period, of the physical body for three and half days (84 hours), for life review purpose (in a pacific death; not in a sudden impact such as: shock, accident, catastrophe, heart attack or suicide), before cremation or any other way of body disposal.[18]
Amorc Monographs Pdf
The evolution of man is divided into seven Periods:[19]
- involution: the Saturn Period, the Sun Period, the Moon Period;
- the Earth Period (first half still involution, second half towards evolution);
- evolution: the Jupiter Period, the Venus Period, the Vulcan Period.
We are presently in the second half of the Earth Period: we have just passed the end of our involution and are beginning our evolution, or the spiritualization of matter and our return to God our Father.
The three Aspects of God are Will, Wisdom and Activity. The Father has completed His union with the first aspect, will. The Son, Christ, the highest Initiate of the Sun Period: has completed His union with the Second aspect of God, wisdom. Jehovah, the Highest Initiate of the Moon Period, has completed His union with the third aspect, activity.[20]
The sevenfold constitution of man is related to five of seven worlds, different planes of existence having varying density and vibration, states of spirit-matter not separated by space or distance but permeating one another, so that God and the other great beings pervade their own realms and those of greater density than their own, including our own. Some worlds are related to the planet and the higher ones to the whole Solar System.[21] These seven worlds are the planes of evolution of each Solar System and constitute the seventh and lower cosmic plane; the six superior cosmic planes possibly each have a different and larger structural and dynamic expression in the physical universe.
- The World of God
- The World of Virgin Spirits: home of the virgin spirits, differentiated within God Himself as 'sparks from a flame' at the beginning of manifestation, prior to the beginning of pilgrimage through matter
- The World of Divine Spirit: related to the threefold Spirit's Divine Spirit aspect; home of The Father, inhabited by the Lords of Wisdom, a hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated with Virgo
- The World of Life Spirit: related to the Ego's life spirit aspect; home of the Christ (The Son, the Solar Logos); inhabited by the Lords of Individuality, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Libra; higher Memory of Nature, events from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, open only to Adepts and higher Spiritual Beings
- The World of Thought
- Region of Abstract Thought: inhabited by the Lords of Form, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Scorpio; the 'Third heaven' state of consciousness; Germinal idea(s); related to the Ego's human spirit aspect; the home of Jehova, The Holy Spirit. This Great Hierarchy is the evolved form of the third aspect of God, the creative energy in Nature, which is reflected in man as sex energy;[22] the misuse or abuse of that power, the holy creative force [of God] in man, for gratification of the passionate nature, and particularly perversion[23] (see also human sexual behaviour), constitutes the sin against the Holy “Ghost”. The 'great transgression', the abuse of sex or generative force for sense gratification, must be expiated, under the Law of Cause and Consequence, through suffering in diseased and incapacitated bodies and minds, mainly afflicted with developmental disabilities, as there is a close connection between sexual activity and mental activity as well as the power of speech[24] – and incurable cancer (see also carcinogenesis and cancer treatment) for those who abuse the sex function in a very marked and bestial degree. Thus the ignorant use of the generative force is primarily responsible for pain, sickness and sorrow.
- Region of Concrete Thought: related to the Mind; inhabited by the Lords of Mind, a Hierarchy of Elohim astrologically associated to Sagittarius; the 'Second heaven' state of consciousness; Archetypes; memory of nature in the highest subdivision (covering the essence of a whole life or event); ocean of harmony: the Music of the Spheres
- The Desire World, the world of color: related to the Desire body; home of the Archangels, astrologically associated to Capricorn; the abode of deceased persons for some time subsequent to the event of death
- higher regions, Attraction, the 'First heaven' state of consciousness
- intermediate region, Interest and Indifference
- lower regions, Repulsion, the 'Purgatory' state of consciousness
- The Physical World, composed of seven regions;
- Etheric Region: related to the etheric body; home of the Angels (seen as being one step beyond the human stage, as humans are a degree in advance of the animal evolution), astrologically associated to Aquarius; Akashic records in the reflecting ether (pictures at least several hundred years back or much more in some cases, almost as the pictures on a screen, scene shifts backward). The etheric region is subdivided in four regions according to the grades of density of the aether permeating our physical planet Earth; Reflecting Ether, Light Ether, Life Ether and Chemical Ether.
- Chemical Region; the physical Earth as perceived through the five senses enhanced by the current technological equipment, subdivided in three regions according to the four main states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma. It is the current home of the self-conscious humanity, astrologically associated to Pisces. The Chemical region of the physical world is home to four life waves, or kingdoms, at a different stage in the evolutionary path: mineral life is the first and lowest level of spiritual evolution on Earth; then comes plants, with actual life, then animals (cold-blooded animals, then warm-blooded), and finally the human being. The beings belonging to each life wave either evolve through the work of the individual Spirit (human being) or are yet evolving under a group spirit and have acquired more or less subtle bodies according to the development stage of each life wave.
The worlds of matter (Physical world, Desire world and World of Thought/Region of Concret Thought) are considered to be a reverse reflection of the worlds of Spirit (World of Thought/Region of Abstract Thought, World of Life Spirit and World of Divine Spirit).
See also[edit]
- The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Central concepts
- Astrological age, Age of Aquarius
- Christ (concept), Second Coming
Miscellaneous Concepts
- Afterlife – Life review – Silver cord
- Astrology – Epochs (Anthropogenesis)
- Clairvoyance – Memory of Nature – Music of the Spheres
- Christian mysticism – Esoteric Christianity
- Esoteric cosmology – Planes of existence – Subtle bodies
- Rebirth – Law of Cause and Effect
- ^Cf. «Rosicrucian Societies in America», in Rays from the Rose Cross, vol.88, nº4, July/August 1996, p.38
- ^Article by The Rosicrucian Fellowship: Rosicrucian Fundamentals in Questions and Answers
- ^Article: How the Rosicrucians Heal the Sick
- ^Heindel, Max, Our Work in the World (issued 1912), in Teachings of an Initiate (posthumous work), ISBN978-0-911274-19-6
- ^Article: Eastern and Western Spiritual Alternatives
- ^Erhi Uyota, Of serpents and doves, Lagos, Nigeria, November 15, 2008
- ^Ger Westenberg. Max Heindel en The Rosicrucian Fellowship. 'Chapter 4 Heindel in Germany'(PDF).Cite web requires
(help) (Translation by Elizabeth C. Ray). 2009 STICHTING ZEVEN, The Hague, The Netherlands. ISBN978-90-73736-33-7 - ^Ger Westenberg. Max Heindel en The Rosicrucian Fellowship. 'Chapter 5 Messenger of the Rosicrucians'(PDF).Cite web requires
(help) (Translation by Elizabeth C. Ray). 2009 STICHTING ZEVEN, The Hague, The Netherlands. ISBN978-90-73736-33-7 - ^«Origin of The Rosicrucian Fellowship», in Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, No. 13, June 10, 1914
- ^Article: The Brothers of the Rose Cross
- ^Article: The Rosicrucian Interpretation of Christianity
- ^Beryl Hamilton, The Rosicrucian Way: the Voice of the Rose, in Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, January/February, 1996
- ^Heindel, Max, Christian Rosenkreuz and the Order of Rosicrucians (Initiation), 1909
- ^Heindel, Max, Freemasonry and Catholicism (Chapter VIII: The Path of Initiation), ISBN978-0-911274-04-2
- ^Diagram by Max Heindel: An Average Human Life Cycle
- ^Heindel, Max, How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming?, May 1913 (stenographic report of a lecture, Los Angeles), ISBN978-0-911274-64-6
- ^Cf. Matthew 22:1–14
- ^Article: The Rosicrucian Method of Caring for the Dead
- ^Diagram: The 777 Incarnations
- ^Diagram: The Vehicles of the Highest Initiates & Ordinary Humanity
- ^Diagram: The Seven Worlds
- ^Article: The Pros and Cons of Abortion: Holy Creative Force
- ^Article: Homo, hetero, auto, or poly perverse expressions of human sexuality and The Unpardonable Sin
- ^Article: Learning Disabilities
Students' writings[edit]
- Coriel, Maria (pseudonym), O Céu dentro de Nós, ISBN978-989-8032-04-1, Chá das Cinco (Parede), 207 pages, 2007
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, Catálogo da Exposição sob o Tema A Rosa, Rainha das Flores, Símbolo Mítico, Místico e Esotérico, Os Rosacruzes e o Primeiro Centenário da Fraternidade Rosacruz de Max Heindel, edição do author, Depósito Legal 293670/09, 24 pages a cores, 2009; de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, Vegetarianismo, a solução para uma vida e mundo melhor, ISBN978-972-591-753-4, Editorial Minerva (Lisbon)239 pages, 2009; de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, A Quinta Via, Rumo à Cidade da Rosa, 2ª Edição, Revista, prefaciada, aumentada e comentada, ISBN978-972-591-760-2, Editorial Minerva ( Lisabon), 184 pages, 2009;de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos ' Paracelso e a Cosmobiomedicina', ISBN978-972-591-749-7, Editorial Minerva (Lisbon) 142 pages, 2009 www
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, ' Meditações de um Neófito', ISBN978-972-591-741-1, Editorial Minerva ( Lisbon)139 pages, 2008 www
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, A Rosacruz e Portugal, ISBN978-972-591-726-8, Editorial Minerva (Lisbon), 200 pages, 2007 www
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, Mozart, esse desconhecido, Editorial Minerva (Lisbon), 2007 www
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, A Flor da Esperança, Hugin Editores (Lisbon), 2004 www
- de Carvalho, Delmar Domingos, A V Via Rumo à Cidade da Rosa, Hugin Editores (Lisbon), 2002 www
- Macedo, António de, O Neoprofetismo e a Nova Gnose, ISBN978-972-794-206-0, Hugin Editores (Lisbon), 172 pages, 2003 www
- Macedo, António de, Laboratório Mágico – Ensaios Alquimísticos, ISBN978-972-794-100-1, Hugin Editores (Lisbon), 474 pages, 2002 www
- Macedo, António de, Instruções Iniciáticas – Ensaios Espirituais, ISBN978-972-8534-00-4, Hugin Editores (Lisbon), 2nd ed., 346 pages, 2000 www
- Monteiro, António, A Ordem Rosacruz, ISBN978-972-1-01673-6, Edições Europa-América (Lisbon), 176 pages, 1981
- Rodrigues, Francisco Marques (1899–1979), Estudos Bíblicos – Ensinamentos da Tradição Esotérica Cristã (Vol. I), Fraternidade Rosacruz de Portugal, ISBN978-972-9381-13-3, 2005 (posthumous work)
United States[edit]
- A Student, Etheric Vision and What It Reveals, ISBN978-0-911274-59-2, 110 pages www
- Bacher, Elman, Studies In Astrology (complete set of 9 volumes), ISBN978-0-911274-99-8, 907 pages, 1990 www
- Volume 1, The Accuracy of Astrology, ISBN978-0-911274-50-9, 94 pages
- Volume 2, The Outer Planets, ISBN978-0-911274-51-6, 104 pages
- Volume 3, The Astrologer, ISBN978-0-911274-52-3, 94 pages
- Volume 4, Aspects – 'Bad' and 'Good', ISBN978-0-911274-53-0, 99 pages
- Volume 5, The Astrologer as Scientist, Artist and Priest-Teacher, ISBN978-0-911274-54-7, 98 pages
- Volume 6, The Point, Line, and Circle, ISBN978-0-911274-55-4, 98 pages
- Volume 7, Astrology – The Art of Arts, ISBN978-0-911274-56-1, 100 pages
- Volume 8, The Wedding Chart and Marriage, ISBN978-0-911274-57-8, 107 pages
- Volume 9, The Light, The Astrological Path, ISBN978-0-911274-58-5, 112 pages
- Badibanga, Fox Ngandu, Global Warming and Al Gore Faustus Adventures inside the Earth, ISBN978-0-615-28967-0, 2009
- Heline, Corinne, New Age Bible Interpretation, 1930s (magnum opus with various editions; various works: a list of books):
- Old Testament:
- Vol I Five Books of Moses and Joshua, 480 pages
- Vol II Part I. Solomon and the Temple Builders – Part II. Books of Initiation, 469 pages
- Vol III Part I. The Promise – Part II. The Preparation, 536 pages
- New Testament:
- Vol IV Preparation for Coming of the Light of the World, 143 pages
- Vol V The Christ and His Mission, 237 pages
- Vol VI The Work of the Apostles and Paul and Book of Revelation (The Three Degrees of Discipleship), 262 pages
- Vol VII Mystery of the Christos (The Harp of David, The Twelve Holy Days), 309 pages
- Old Testament:
- Glover, Elsa M., Science and Religion, ISBN978-0-533-07048-0, Vantage Press (New York), 1987 www
- Glover, Elsa M., The Aquarian Age, ISBN978-0-533-07338-2, Vantage Press, 1987 www
- Lewis, Robert C., The Sacred Word and its Creative Overtones, ISBN978-0-88112-021-9, 163 pages
- Lewis, Robert C., Silver Cord and the Seed Atoms, ISBN978-0-911274-74-5, 49 pages
- Parchment, Samuel Richard (1881–1946), Freemasonry at the Rosicrucian Fellowship, ISBN978-1-4253-2214-4, 48 pages
- Rich, Annet C., Christ or Buddha?, ISBN978-0-7661-9165-5, 1914 www
- Scott, John P., The Hidden Bible, ISBN978-0-7661-8540-1, 1935, 372 pages
- Scott, John P., Four Gospels Esoterically Interpreted, ISBN978-1-56459-804-2, 1937, 176 pages
- Scott, John P., Esoteric Bible Dictionary, ISBN978-1-56459-913-1, 112 pages
- Swainson, Esme, Rex and Zendah (Illustrated), ISBN978-0-911274-61-5, 112 pages
- Tucker, Prentiss, In the Land of the Living Dead, ISBN978-0-911274-83-7, 1929 www
- Tuttle, Amber M., The Work of Invisible Helpers, ISBN978-1-56459-676-5, 1945, 644 pages link to .zip (14 TXT files)
- Various authors, Aquarian Age Stories for Children (complete set of 7 volumes), ISBN978-0-911274-94-3, 1951
- Various authors, Sunday School Lessons (set of 6 volumes), ISBN978-0-911274-63-9
- Various authors, Complete Children's Collection (set of 17 volumes, including Aquarian Age Stories for Children and Sunday School Lessons collections, Rex and Zendah, plus 'Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training' and two volumes of 'Your Child's Horoscope'), ISBN978-0-911274-26-4
- Various authors, Rosicrucian Ephemeris 1900–2000: At Midnight, 0 Hour Tdt, ISBN978-2-902450-20-6, December 1983
- Various authors, The Rosicrucian Ephemeris: 2000–2100 12H Tdt (Noon), ISBN978-0-911274-24-0, June 1992
Third-party comments[edit]
- Bayard, Jean-Pierre, Les Rose-Croix (subchapter of third chapter: L'Association Rosicrucienne Max Heindel), M.A. Éditions, Paris, 1986
- Lindgren, Carl Edwin, The Rose Cross: A Historical and Philosophical View (section of Chapter III: The Rosicrucian Fellowship), Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Volume19, Number 3:143–152, 1995 www
- Martin, Walter, The Kingdom of the Cults, Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1965, 1977, 1985, p. 507 (included in appendix)
External links[edit]
- Rose Cross – The Mystic Light, online magazines created and supported by Students